We Bring the Elite Cigar Experience to You.

At Ember & Ash Mobile Cigar Lounge, we deliver an exceptional cigar experience directly to your event. Whether it’s a private gathering, corporate function, wedding, or special occasion, our mobile cigar lounge elevates your event with luxury and style.

Our Services

  • Private Events: custom cigar experiences for intimate gatherings.

  • corporate functions: impress clients and colleagues with our sophisticated lounge.

  • weddings: add a unique touch to your special day with our elegant lounge.

  • special occasions: create memorable moments with our premium cigar services.

    why choose us?

  • Unparalleled Convenience: We transform your chosen location into an opulent cigar lounge, offering unmatched ease and accessibility.

  • Exquisite Selection: Our curated collection of premium cigars caters to both connoisseurs and novices, ensuring a luxurious experience for all.

  • Expert Knowledge: Our seasoned professionals provide expert guidance and personalized service, enhancing your cigar enjoyment with their extensive expertise.

    Book ember & ash mobile cigar lounge for your next event and experience the art of cigar enjoyment like never before.

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